neue Infos zur Contender Weltmeisterschaft 2023
Unsere dänischen Freunde haben ein paar neue Informationen zur Contender WM in Kerteminde dieses Jahr veröffentlicht:
Notice of race for the first contenderdinghy world championship in Europe since 2019 is published on the regatta management system Manage2sail as follows:
Eventdates: June 30- July 1.
Entryfee: 900 DKK (app. 120 Euro)
Last entrydate. June 24.
Entry until June 28. + 200 DKK (app. 26 Euro)
World championship 2023
Eventdates: July 2-8.
Entryfee: 2600 DKK (app. 345 Euro)
Last entrydate. June 1.
Entry until June 15. + 400 DKK (app. 52 Euro)
Notice: You have to enter either regatta separately
Services included in the fees, extra services you might buy, how to pay, sailingarea, timetable etc.: To read in the links for either regatta.
General information about the sailingvenue, weather to expect, areainformation etc. to read here.
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